Introspective Counselling assists clients in changing old self-defeating patterns of thinking and feeling.

Introspective Counselling Services, Calgary, Alberta

Specializing in:

  • Grief counselling
  • Couples counselling
  • Depression
  • Overcoming suicidal ideations or feelings of worthlessness
  • Recovery from childhood physical/sexual abuse
  • Overcoming trauma from childhood or recent events
  • Post-addictions treatment support
  • Facilitating personal growth and personal change
  • Overcoming phobias and irrational fears
  • Stress management
  • Mental wellness

Introspective Counselling assists clients in changing old self-defeating patterns of thinking and feeling.

Why do these things
keep happening to me?
Why do my
relationships always
follow the same pattern?
Why do I keep
meeting the same kinds
of people at work or
other social settings?

All of these questions suggest that the person is living out of a script or life plan that was formulated in childhood in response to environmental conditions. The person continues to live this plan in adulthood, outside of conscious awareness. Repetitive patterns in relationships provide evidence of this life plan.

The purpose of the Introspective therapeutic process would be:

  • To bring to the client’s conscious awareness the nature and the details of this life plan
  • To assist the client in changing his or her life plan through a process of emotional redecision
  • To facilitate the emergence of positive outcomes and a satisfactory, fulfilled life experience